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Free Rohingya Campaign (FRC) statement on United Nations
Saturday | 22/12/2012 - 07:14 AM
Free Rohingya Campaign (FRC) statement on United Nations


His Excellency Ban Ki-moon
The Secretary-General
The United Nations
New York, NY 10017

Date: December 20, 2012

Re: It is the time for UN intervention to stop Rohingya ethnic cleansing

Dear Mr. Secretary-General,

We are writing to urge the United Nations (UN) to demonstrate its leadership in human rights by responding to victims of Burma’s ongoing ethnic cleansing on Rohingya.

According to UN charter VII article 41 to 48, UN must intervene if the state fails its responsibility to protect its Populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

It has been very clear that Burmese quasi civilian government has failed its obligation to protect Rohingya population from ethnic cleansing and genocide while sponsoring such acts to be carried out by Rakhine extremist and its security forces.

Burmese President U Thein Sein mistakenly exposed their master plan of ethnic cleansing to visiting UNHCR chief Antonio Guterres at July 11,2012 by asking Rohingya to be put in the camp while waiting to transfer to third countries. As the evident has proven that Burmese government has dehumanized Rohingya as illegal immigrant of Bangladesh so that every injustice committed to Rohingya will be justified.

Second, Thousands of people had been killed were unaccounted for; thousands were wounded, handicapped, had disappeared or died of starvation, cold and disease; thousands had been forced to abandon their homes and their land, often losing families and friends.

Third, In pursuing of the goal of ethnic cleansing, which was the direct cause of the vast majority of gross human rights violations, various atrocities and the infliction of terror among the Rohingya population, Burmese authorities of various departments and Rakhine extremists violated international legislative standards of human behavior by actively involving in killing and raping of woman Rohingya Muslim woman. .Numerous cities, various places of worship and cultural monuments had been destroyed. So had homes, shops and places of business.

Fourth, Rohingya residential areas are systematically siege for six months and the people are not allowed to go out and make the whole residential area to be virtual prison. As a result, 1.5 million Rohingya are unable to work or do business. The people are dying every day due to lack of food, medical supply, basic essentials, physiological and emotional distress.

Fifth, everyone know the live of the people in Refugee camps and Burmese government has no plan to allowed them to return their villages to rebuild them. Often the aid is block by extremist and government security forces cooperating with extremist.

Six, thousands of people who can give money to human traffickers are fleeing every day with uncertainty of destination. Some of them are killed by traffickers, some of them commit suicide in the sea, and some of them are drown in sea, some of them are sold as a slave.

Unfortunately, UN has failed to understand the systematic plan of ethnic cleansing by Burmese regime and its ally of Rakhine extremists. UN is focusing more on Humanitarian crisis as it is designed by systematic plan.

We Rohingya community is sadden for UN failure to intervene to stop ethnic cleaning according to UN charter VII article 41 to 48.We strongly demand UN to fulfill its obligation by initiating R2P “Responsibility to Protect with the followings”

· Send its peace keeping mission immediately.

· Any acts of Rohingya dehumanization activities by Burmese regime must be declare as illegal.

· Stop the siege and restore fundamental right of Rohingya with force if necessary.

· Stop building camps and rebuild towns and villages on the destroyed land with force if necessary.

· To make sure Burmese regime will honor very fundamental right of citizenship of Rohingya or the Rohingya land must be administered by UN.

· Prosecute the mastermind of ethnic cleansing to the international court of justice as it is stipulated by UN charter.

· UN must implement the above demand timely without delay or the Whole Rohingya population will be extinct.


Yours sincerely,

Nay San Oo
Free Rohingya Campaign (FRC)
New York City , USA
[email protected]

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