Tuesday 13 ربيع الأول 1446 Hijri | 17/09/2024 A.D. - 11:02 AM - Time of Mecca

18 dead, 11 missing in eastern Myanmar landslides
Tuesday | 13/10/2015 - 09:10 AM
18 dead, 11 missing in eastern Myanmar landslides

Rohingya News Agency - Myanmar Eleven

Landslides triggered by heavy rain killed 18 people, including two children, and left 11 missing, in the Mawchi Mine region, Hpasaung Township, Kayah State in eastern Myanmar, according to local witnesses.

Resident Saw Alkalu said: "Since the morning of October 11, there have been heavy downpours and strong winds. Landslides began in the hills at about 2pm the same day. The landslide destroyed staff quarters, houses and a church built on hill sides. About 40 houses were ruined. The exact number of damaged houses is under investigation. Injured people are receiving treatment at Lokharlo hospital. The number of missing people is expected to increase."

About 500 from the area are taking shelters in a Baptist church in Kharlo village, with another 300 victims in a middle school and more than 300 in a high school. The victims are in need of food and drinking water.

On June 1, a mining company issued a warning about the danger of possible landslides in restricted areas during the rainy season. Many locals turned a blind eye to the warnings.

The Mawchi Mine region is located about 80 miles from Loikaw Township. The residents of the area rely on satellite phones as they have has no easy access to telecommunication lines.

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