Monday 13 رجب 1446 Hijri | 13/01/2025 A.D. - 11:41 PM - Time of Mecca

Burmese army arrested three Rohingya with Bangladeshi mobiles
Thursday | 28/11/2013 - 07:37 AM
Burmese army arrested three Rohingya with Bangladeshi mobiles

Rohingya News Agency‏ ‏‎–(BurmaTimes (By Mg Hla Myint): A villager who prefers not to be named from Kwak Soun ( Basawra) village reported that Army from Aang Daang out post under Maungdaw district arrested three villagers of Kwak Soun ( Basawra) village under Maungdaw district for operating illegal Bangladeshi mobiles at yesterday night(26 NOV 2013) . Army found two mobiles when they raided the three villagers were detained in their Aang Daang out post that is more than one mile far away from the said village.

Unexpectedly, the army also detained Anowarul Hoque, son of Adul Hakhim although army found neither mobile nor any illegal thing from him. They were neither released nor prosecuted until reporting.  So, their parents are worrying extremely if they are inhumanely tortured by the army. The three detainees were expected to be released after taking a big amount from them. Nobody including the detainees’ family members was allowed to meet with them and they don’t know where they were kept.

In fact, the Burmese government authorities including army are frequently disturbing and arresting to the villagers. Besides, they are also extorting and harassing the Rohingya villagers since the outbreak of violence spread around the Rakhine state during 2012. There are hundreds of Rohingya naive men from different villages of Maungdaw were arrested of no reason by the police, Hlun-tin (riot police) and other authorities of the government and many of them were sent to Buthidaung prison where they were extremely tortured by the police as there is not rules of law or justice for the Rohingya people in Myanmar, the villager added.

The army very often comes to the village at night and day which create panic among the villagers. Hardly few times they go back easily and many times they disturb the villagers.

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