Tuesday, 1/20/1434 - Dec 4, 2012:
Why not join hands?
Met Dr. Waqar religion Director General of the Federation روهنجيا Arakan (ARU) and president of the Association Rohingya Burmese in North America in New York with representatives of ethnic minorities in Myanmar; terms included representatives from the Karen, Kachin, Shan and Rohingyas and the number of guests and activists of human rights, and some diplomats at the United Nations; , hosted by the Ambassador of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to the United Nations "Ovuk Gokcen."
Making the Organization of Islamic Cooperation good efforts in order to resolve the issue Alrōhngeh; sponsored organizations standing Alrōhngeh political and human rights, and duration of ideas and money, and provided them with official umbrella for the exercise of its functions and its peaceful struggle to regain their rights usurped by the Government of Burma.
What this meeting and those hosting representatives of all ethnicities oppressed in Myanmar, and on the table Ambassador Organization to the United Nations in New York, and the opening of these prospects for cooperation with other ethnicities outside the Islamic system; only the biggest proof mindedness Islamic organization, and its willingness to cooperate and join hands with everyone, and held alliance with companies, in order to provide the human rights of minorities and ethnic groups in Burma, and in particular the ethnic Muslim Alrōhngeh there.
To stand here Dear reader at the point of coming together of all ethnicities oppressed in Burma; to highlight them and show the reader Karim importance of this togetherness despite disgusting some of it, the fact that other ethnicities vary religion for Islam; since this stage sensitive and very accurate, it is important to exercise more pressure on the government of Burma, and this pressure is not strong enough to implement ethnic Alrōhngeh alone, hence the importance of solidarity with all ethnicities and nations and governments, with different curricula and for roads and religions.
The issue I see is very important; is to recognize his efforts of others and not denying or Bouksha, as undeniable efforts faithful, nor ascribed those efforts or credit for only ungrateful or arrogant or conceited; leaders Rohingya throughout history, and Dr. Waqar debt recently, their efforts blessing and known to All observers into equity and justice, not into Almitrbes looking for opportunities to digest their efforts, grab Union that created a great blessing and strenuous efforts by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and benevolent leaders of the Rohingya in the world.
And reached the desired end; it is crucial to join organizations and associations Alrōhngeh with each other, as well as workers in countries and flung, and work through partnerships and alliances, without having a dominance or to gain control of one on one, or try to impose authority or opinion on the rest, with an emphasis on renounce phobia leadership and lofty titles, and the existence of mutual respect between everyone, without fighting or practice of intellectual terrorism, or even use the language of threats and intimidation, intimidation the approaching or governments.
Is هيأنا our forums to hold those partnerships and alliances?!
Are our souls tolerance and acceptance of others whatever we disagree with him?!!
I hope to be answered in the affirmative does not negatively, Vavhmua O men of understanding.
Sincerely wishes ..