Saturday 11 شوال 1445 Hijri | 20/04/2024 A.D. - 06:32 PM - Time of Mecca

Rumor behind Mgradwn
Tuesday | 08/01/2013 - 12:15 PM
Rumor behind Mgradwn

Tuesday, 2/25/1434 - January 8, 2013:
(Rumor behind Mgradwn)

Spread in recent days are common among the Rohingya community in the Kingdom, especially in Mecca, where he said that number of Alrōhngeh figures oppose the issue of correct conditions and the granting of residence permits for Bermaoyen, and claimed that a number of them raised a telegram to the competent authorities to demand to prevent this procedure!

Question correct conditions, and government grants for Bermaoyen cards or stays regular where substantial benefits accrue to our people and our brothers and our families and all the people Alrōhnge who lives in the Kingdom of more than seventy years, where Eetmkon stay in the Kingdom legally, and enroll their children in public schools, and receive treatment at government hospitals , and the practice of work and jobs without being caught in the legal violations.

If these benefits are realized for Rōhngean in Saudi Arabia; how prevents sane or stand against it, and God is good leg us Btovaiqa then the generosity of the Government of the Kingdom?!
Can anyone stop this good as long as the Saudi government felt that this step useful for Rōhngean?!
Can anyone stop this good as long as the Saudi government had pity on the development Albermaoyen Vmnanhm this good?!
Can anyone prevent this correction as long as the Saudi government is satisfied that the Rohingya in Saudi Arabia deserve and need this patch?!
Can anyone prevent this correction as long as the Saudi government and approved by the study and hopes the matter?!

It is no doubt that every rumor behind them people Mgradwn and Hakdon, and mean left achieve personal gains, and the purposes of self-, Calantqam their opponents, and to discredit them before the public, and hatred, envy, or download failures on others.
So .. Warn everyone of the danger of rumors, and ask for vigilance and take note and be alert, and stay away from them, and an application directory and news source, so that does not count an injustice and an attack on innocent people.

Sincerely wishes ..

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